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Primacy Social Developers is aimed at developing and improving the standard of living of township communities in South Africa and Africa as a whole by making sure all the community Early Childhood Developments have online profiles that briefly details what they do and how they do it best. The main purpose of the online profile is to allow people to view crèches at anytime and from any part of the world to register their children without having to physically go there.



Our vision is to see South Africa progress and move forward. We see the way forward and want to share it with you.



Develop communities in South Africa and help them to stay connected and be able to reach each other for development purposes.




  • Manage Marketing of the Creche

  • Create online registration forms

  • Keep parents in touch with what is happening with Creches around them

  • Keep parents updated with what their children are learning


Why online presence is Important

Online presence is the modern way of marketing yourself, your services or products and fortunately we are here to help you do that in the most sufficient way.


Here are some important reasons why you need an online profile.

  • It enhances accessibility

  • Garners wide audience

  • Builds relationships and sponsers trust

  • Enables effortless marketing

  • Profile helps you improve your public image

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